Saturday 18 October 2014

Oppurtunities to slam iblis laknatullah

Salam bro and sis

As stated in the Quran in the devil's laknatullah promised to lead astray the children of Adam. God has allowed except His slaves that mukhlisin (honest) in worship Him.

What is your opinion(s):

1- If given the opportunity in seeking the truth of God to slam the (iblis) evil laknatullah, in order to determine if God's choice mukhlisin servants or misled. Let's see whomever Allah options. While living in this world to be a witness in the Hereafter. 

2- How to figure out that our Great Greatest God? He never forget nor sleep..All Knowing..All Wiser.. NOT a single ayat (wahyu) that He miss or forget.

3- AlQuran (The Book) is our guidance. Why must take other than Allah and Rasul ( AlQuran and Sunnah)

Kindly leave your comments. Highly appreciated.